Set Goals
There’s probably no other tool that can help you get where you want to go in your game and help you be a success in your life than learning to set goals. Goals should come from what we want and desire. Goals give us a vision and help focus our desire in a direction.
There’s a saying regarding goals, plotting a direction or destination:
“If you don’t know where you are going …you will never get there”
Without a goal or direction not knowing where you’re going, you go nowhere. Without that direction or destination or goal how can you pick and choose the right road or course to get there?
When we set goals and start to get them accomplished it sets that direction. It helps build our confidence, improves our performance and it gives us “the key” to applying goal setting to other parts of our life. It’s not good enough to have goals just for soccer or whatever sport you play. You want to set goals for school, and goals for your personal life too.
So how do we do this?
We Begin with the ‘End’ in mind !!
We have big goals where we want to end up (long term goals) and we have little goals that are the steps to get us there ( short-term goals)
A long-term goal or “Big Why”
An example:
I want to start for my high school team
I want to play in college.
Well, for some this may seem like a big mountain to climb.
Climbing a big mountain is very much like goal setting. To accomplish such a big task starts by putting 1 foot in front of the other taking small steps that take you to the summit.
The final destination at the summit of the mountain is the long-term goal/ the BIG WHY!
The small steps and stages are the short-term goals, the little steps we need to accomplish to get to our destination which in our example was starting for our high school team or playing in college.
How about You?
What are your wants and dreams?
Where do you want to see yourself as a player by next year? or at end of your soccer career?
More importantly, what are your wants and desires for school and in your personal life?
Let’s give it a try:
Step #1 –
Get (3)- 3 x 5 cards. Use one card for your soccer goals, and the other two for your school goals and personal goals.
At the top of each card write your big why (long-term goal) for each area. Then list the short term goals ( the steps) to help you accomplish your “Big Why”.
Here’s an example of how each card could look:
Soccer Goal Card- (Example) –
“I want to start for my School team” (long term goal)
(Short term Goals)
- Run and lift weights this off season
- Practice my juggling and dribbling skills every week
- Play pick up with older players whenever I can
- Play Club Soccer in the Spring
School Goal Card- (example)
“Get all B’s or above on my report card next year” (long term goal)
(Short term Goals)
- Do my homework every day
- Pay attention in class
- Take good notes
- Sit in the front row and participate answering questions
- Go in for extra help and show the teacher I want to improve
- Show up for study groups/ do extra credit
Personal Goal Card- (example)–
“I want to be more outgoing “(long term goal)
(Short term Goals)
– Join at least one club or committee where I can meet new people
– Go to every dance or function even if I don’t feel like it
– Say hello to at least one new person every day.
– volunteer to get up and do things in class even if I feel nervous
2 helpful tips – be specific …and where possible make sure you can measure your goals for progress.
It’s okay to revisit your goals based on how you’re doing and if they need to be adjusted.
Step # 2 – Make Your Goals Public
When you feel that your goals are appropriate enough to be shared, tell your coaches, friends or family what you’re goals are. This can really help.
- It makes you more committed and accountable by telling other people what you’re going to do.
- Lots of times when you tell your goals to people, they can actually help you get them accomplished.
Step #3– READ your goals every day. Here’s the deal…
”We become what we think about most of the time”
When we read our goals every day it helps us to stay focused and dialed in to the task we are trying to accomplish. I recommend you keep your goals posted in a prominent place where you can’t miss looking at them every day. For instance, your bedroom or bathroom mirror would be perfect places to use.
So to review:
One of the keys to your success as a person and an athlete is goal setting.
Goals that are written down, made public, read, and worked on every day are goals that will get done.
It works!!! Absolutely ,,,Positively…Guaranteed!!
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