Thought of the Day (4525) July 26, 2024

“Discomfort leads to growth. If you want to get better you have to be willing to be uncomfortable.” ~ Jon Gordon i am grateful for: Morning stillness

Thought of the Day (4524) July 25, 2024

“The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust I am grateful for: Many lessons on perspective

Thought of the Day (4521) July 22, 2024

“The first minute of action … is worth more than a year of perfect planning.” ~ James Clear I am grateful for: Glass calm water…and a good row.

Thought of the Day (4520) July 20, 2024

“Look for the good today. When you look for the GOOD and expect the GOOD… you find the GOOD and the GOOD finds you.” Remember: How you choose to see…

Thought of the Day (4518) July 18, 2024

“A life lived with integrity… is a shining star in whose light others may follow in the years to come.” ~ Dennis Waitley I am grateful for: My Dad always…

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