Thought of the Day (4494) June 13, 2024

“Every day will be a battle between positive and negative beliefs.” Thanks ~ The Daily Coach i am grateful for: Just this moment as i am sending this to you

Thought of the Day (4491) June 10, 2024

“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” ~ Bob Kerrey I am grateful for: Such a great weekend Lakeside with Scott &…

Thought of the Day (4488) June 5, 2024

“Life is simpler when the exterior of your life reflects the intentions of your internal life.” ~ The Daily Coach I am grateful for the slow inner work

Thought of the Day (4487) June 4, 2024

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” ~ Angela Davis I am grateful for: the unexpected

Thought of the Day (4486) June 3, 2024

“There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you.” ~ Michelle Sandlin I am grateful: another day…

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